How To Care For Trampoline Mat

How To Care For Trampoline Mat

Ask any inground or above ground trampoline owner what part of the trampoline they believe gets the biggest workout and they will most likely say, the springs. That's true, but we have tips on how to care for the trampoline mat that you need to be diligent about because the mat is just as important as the springs.

The springs do take a beating when the trampoline is used and enjoyed, but the mat is what ties it all together. It is the largest surface area of the inground or above ground trampoline and you need to consider the following for the health of the jump mat.

How To Care For Trampoline Mat

  1. Keep it clean. This means, you're better off not using shoes when you jump on the trampoline. Although using trampoline-safe shoes may make the rebounding safer because with socked feet you may slide upon landing. Make it a rule -- no shoes on the trampoline.
  2. Make sure there is no dirt or debris on the jump mat. If a storm blows through you will want to clean off the mat to ensure there are no tree branches or other debris. Depending on where you live -- in Arizona during monsoon season for example -- you will want to ensure there is no dirt or sand on the mat. These items can damage the mat.
  3. Cover it up when you're not using it. The best way to protect your jump mat on the inground or above ground trampoline, using a cover to protect the mat is the best advice we give our customers. Sun beating down on the mat can also dry it out and cause it to crack.
  4. If you're going to wash it off, make sure you use a gentle cleaner and a soft cloth. Let it dry thoroughly before you jump on it again because a wet mat could be very slippery.
  5. Inspect it before every rebounding session. Look for any rips or tears and look for any areas that may be pulling away from the springs. Also, check the integrity of the springs and the spring covers.

Trampolines are a great investment in family fun, just make sure you take care of yours so you can protect that investment!

Call us if you have any questions about trampolines — inground or above ground — give us a call! We can answer any other questions you have about a trampoline purchase — inground or above ground.

If you’re thinking about getting an above ground or an inground trampoline this year, give us a call. Let’s talk about the best trampoline for you, your family and your budget.“Children learn through play and making it fun means they’ll have lots of practice developing skills. Whether you buy or borrow toys from your local toy library, they form an integral part in learning and a great way for families to spend time together”.

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