Your children have been asking -- begging -- for a trampoline for many months now. You've been thinking an in-ground trampoline might not be a bad idea or investment because you could use it for your own health reasons as well. After all, you know you should be getting more exercise, but running or going to the gym is too hard on the muscles and joints. Here are 5 things to consider when buying a trampoline, not the least of which is whether you should get an above ground or an in-ground model.
Trampolines are not just for children any more. Many adults who want to get in shape but don't want to risk injury from running or if getting to the gym for a workout is out of the question, are finding that a trampoline is great exercise!
5 Things To Consider When Buying A Trampoline
We've put together a list of considerations before you invest in a trampoline for your family.- Will it truly get used? You know how it goes -- the family says they will use it every day... but will they? Make certain they really want one and make certain you will use it for your rebounding workouts. We bet that once you get it, and it's in your yard, it will get used more than you imaged it would.
- What shape? Trampolines come in two shapes: circular or rectangle. The circular style is the traditional shape you see in backyards. They are also less powerful than you will see if you go to a trampoline park or that you see gymnasts using. With a circular trampoline you are driven toward the center when you rebound, and that is definitely safer.
- What size? We know that you know only one person at a time should be on the trampoline, but we also know that not everyone adheres to that rule. You certainly don't want the entire family jumping on it at once because someone will get injured. The size of the trampoline is more a matter of where you will put it and how much yardspace you want to devote to it.
- What is its longevity. With care and cleaning and using a cover when you're not using the in-ground trampoline, it can last for many, many years. You will want to jump on it in barefeet or wearing trampoline socks. You will want to cover it when not in use and you will want to clean the jump mat.
- Where to get it. You can certainly buy a trampoline from a big box store, but we don't recommend that. You want to buy an in-ground trampoline or an above ground trampoline from an experienced professional who stands behind his craftsmanship and the quality of the materials. Look for a trampoline supplier that uses Made in the USA products and who sells high quality materials. Ask about guarantees and warranties as well.