There is no exercise routine or even any plaything that doesn’t bring with it a risk of injury. Riding a bike, swimming, running and jumping rope – all of them can lead to injury if you’re not careful. Using an in-ground trampoline, too, brings with it a sense of risk, but that can be diminished as long as you’re using safe rebounding practices.
In the United States, it’s estimated there are close to 100,000 trampoline injuries annually. This is startling, but again, many of these injuries could have been prevented if you and your loved ones use the in-ground trampoline with care and in the way in which they’re supposed to be used.
Common Trampoline Injuries & How To Prevent Them
Common trampoline injuries (and many of these are from the above ground models) include:
Concussions – from individuals colliding with one another or falling off
Broken bones – collision occurrences or from falling off
Sprained muscles – if you jump too high or land in a way that twists your ankle or leg can lead to sprains or strains
Cuts and bruises – if the springs aren’t properly covered or if you skid along the mat you can get bruised or even a “rug burn”
Many injuries occur when more than one person is on the trampoline at the same time or if the individuals are performing “stunts” that go against the rules of the trampoline you have set.
How can you avoid trampoline injuries?
Have a trampoline safety net. You can get one of these for in-ground trampolines as well as above ground styles. These will prevent someone from jumping too high and falling off. Make certain no one jumps up and grabs onto the net or this can lead to injury.
One person at a time on the trampoline. Yes, it may be more fun with two or more people, but the more people on the trampoline, the higher the risk of injury.
Don’t allow jumpers to do back or forward flips. If the person doesn’t get the height needed, he or she will run the risk of neck or back injury.
Just as you need common sense when riding a bike or going horseback riding or swimming, jumping on an in-ground trampoline requires common sense and adherence to safety rules.