Inground & Above Ground Trampoline Buying Tips

Inground & Above Ground Trampoline Buying Tips

If you're going to buy your children that inground or above ground trampoline they have been asking for you will want to do your research. We have inground & above ground trampoline buying tips for first time trampoline owners. One of the main pieces of advice is to buy a trampoline from a reputable source -- not a big box store that isn't likely selling quality equipment.

Inground & Above Ground Trampoline Buying Tips

Here is a short checklist of items to consider and research before you buy a trampoline.
  1. Will it really get used? You may be surprised how often your children use the trampoline and you may be using it yourself even more than you imagined.
  2. Is a circular or a rectangle trampoline best? Size and personal preference are factors. Circular trampolines seem to be most popular as inground styles and garden setting trampolines. Circular trampolines are considered safer for children because the style will propel children toward the center, rather than toward an edge on a rectangular trampoline.
  3. Choose a size that will accommodate the use you want. Remember, though, you should only allow one person at a time on the trampoline. If you have two people, who are of disparate weights, someone could get injured.
  4. Ask about warranties and guarantees and ask how long a trampoline will potentially last. Remember, the care you take of the trampoline will help extend its life.
  5. Choose a reputable trampoline dealer for your purchase.
  6. Consider galvanized steel frame as it won't rust. Look for safety nets and other safety features like pads to cover the springs. Look for a jump mat that can accommodate the weight of the heaviest person who will be using it.
Give us a call and we can answer any other questions you have about a trampoline purchase -- inground or above ground. If you’re thinking about getting an above ground or an inground trampoline this year, give us a call. Let’s talk about the best trampoline for you, your family and your budget.
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