What you need to know about trampolines

What you need to know about trampolines

Trampolines. The word conjures up fun and good times as well as a way to get in shape without risk of bone or joint injury as you may suffer from running or working out at a gym. What you need to know about trampolines, whether an inground or an above ground trampoline is something we like to share with our current customers and with new customers. When it comes to trampolines there remain many misconceptions and myths that we'd like to dispell. Just as any item in your home can cause injury, so too can a trampoline. When you're a trampoline owner (or a pool owner or even a bicycle owner) you need to have house rules and that will help keep everyone safe.

What you need to know about trampolines

  1. When you own an inground trampoline you don't have to worry about destroying the sight lines of your beautifully landscaped yard or even your swimming pool area. These trampolines are buried in the ground and don't detract from your landscaping. Even if you use a safety net -- and you should -- you can easily take it down and put it up if you want to have a clear view.
  2. Jumping is just plain fun! In fact, it's believed that humans have been jumping on trampoline-type structures for more than 4,000 years!
  3. Trampolines aren't necessarily dangerous. They are dangerous as the people who use them and use them improperly. Only one person at a time should be jumping. You should remove jewelry. Don't wear shoes. Don't jump in the air, then jump off the trampoline. Have the trampoline placed in an area where there are no overhead dangers (tree branches, the roof, etc.) Invest in safety equipment to enhance the safety of your jump time.
  4. It's a great way to get, and stay, in shape. Jumping on a trampoline is an ideal cardio workout, helps with your balance and strengthens your core.
  5. You're never too old for an inground or above ground trampoline. When you jump on a trampoline you are strengthening your muscles and joints and your doctor just might agree that it's a great way to get some exercise!
If you have any questions about trampolines -- inground or above ground -- give us a call! We can answer any other questions you have about a trampoline purchase — inground or above ground. If you’re thinking about getting an above ground or an inground trampoline this year, give us a call. Let’s talk about the best trampoline for you, your family and your budget.
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