7 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Trampoline

7 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Trampoline

"We want a trampoline!" Whether your children are asking for one or if you've been thinking about getting one for yourself or health reasons or because holidays are fast approaching, here are 7 questions to ask before buying a trampoline. An in-ground or an above-ground trampoline is fun, and is a great way to get in shape without the risk of an "on-ground" injury like you could suffer if you run or jog.

One of the biggest questions many of our customers ask is, "will a trampoline REALLY get used?" We have found that yes, they do! It is one of those pieces of equipment that is fun for adults and children and that means there are more people in the house who may want to get into the fun!

7 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Trampoline

  1. What size and shape should you get? The size could be determined by how much yard space you have to devote to it. The shape, is a matter of choice, although circular ones are considered "less powerful" than a rectangle. Circular trampolines, though are safer for children. But both rectangular and circular trampolines require adult supervision at all times. Measure the space you want to devote and make sure you look for all overhead dangers.
  2. Look for a model and a trampoline business that provides high quality trampoline -- in-ground and above ground -- and high quality, USA made parts including springs. We work with qualified retailers and installers that makes it easy for you to buy your trampoline and have it quickly and easily delivered to your house and even have a professional come and set it up for you.
  3. What features should you look for when buying a trampoline? A galvanized frame that is long lasting, durable and a jump mat that is of the highest quality. Look for a bounce mat that is strong, smooth, long lasting and one that is UV resistant. Know the weight of the users of the trampoline so you can be sure to buy one that has springs and a jump mat that can safely accommodate them.
  4. Look for accessories for your trampoline in order to protect your investment and those who use it. A safety enclosure or a safety net, a ladder for an above ground trampoline, a weather cover to protect the jump mat and springs, spring covers. A "trampoline tent" is an accessory that lies like a dome on the top of the trampoline and makes the trampoline more of an all weather piece of equipment.,
  5. Know what benefits you want to reap from your trampoline -- family fun? Exercise? Improve balance and posture? Help with depression (yes, rebounding can help with that -- so some trampoline owners say and it's because of the release of seratonin and the feeling of being weightless)?
  6. If you need to know more and want to do further research, check out our FAQs.

Call us if you have any questions about trampolines — inground or above ground — give us a call! We can answer any other questions you have about a trampoline purchase — inground or above ground.

If you’re thinking about getting an above ground or an inground trampoline this year, give us a call. Let’s talk about the best trampoline for you, your family and your budget.“Children learn through play and making it fun means they’ll have lots of practice developing skills. Whether you buy or borrow toys from your local toy library, they form an integral part in learning and a great way for families to spend time together”.

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