Should you get a trampoline? 5 tips to help you decide, because chances are your children have been asking for one for a while now and you've been wondering many things about in-ground trampolines. Here are some tips to help you decide whether an in-ground trampoline is right for your family.
Should you get a trampoline? 5 tips
- Will it really get used? You know you've purchased toys or other outdoor items that just sit there, in the driveway or in the garage gathering dust. If you get an in-ground trampoline, though you can almsot rest assured that your childrne and their friends and even you will use it regularly. Why? Because it's fun and it's great exercise!
- Does the shape matter? There are circular and rectangular trampolines, but how do you know which shape is best? It's both personal preference and the "power" you're seeking. Round trampolines are most popular with in-ground trampoline owners. Rectangle trampolines are typically used by more experienced gymnasts and have a higher "jump" than do circular ones.
- How much yard space will you have to devote to the trampoline? Again, this is a personal preference. You can invest in a smaller in-ground trampoline so you will still have ample yard space available and you can also landscape around the trampoline so it adds to the aesthetics of your yard space.
- Place the in-ground trampoline away from trees and other overhanging items that could lead to injury. Find a site in your yard that is fairly level, and free from overhanging items that could lead to injury.
- When you're shopping for your in-ground trampoline, make certain you are working with a supplier that has experience with the devices and with whom you feel comfortable. You will want to find a supplier that is available for questions and can walk you through installation and set up once you've taken delivery of your family's in-ground trampoline.