Guidelines For All Trampoline Users

Guidelines For All Trampoline Users

Trampolines, both inground trampolines and above ground trampolines have long been popular. They appear to be growing in popularity, though now that adults have begun to realize how easy it is to get healthy simply by jumping on a trampoline. We offer these guidelines for all trampoline users to assure everyone is as safe as they can be on the trampoline. It's much easier to get healthy when you can do it in the comfort of your own backyard AND when you aren't putting any undue stress or strain on your joints. We, at In-ground Trampolines, certainly understand the desire to find a way to get healthy while not risking injury and that's why we work with our customers to assure they're getting the best trampoline for their needs along with safety equipment.

Guidelines For All Trampoline Users

We have put together some basic guidelines to serve as a safety manual for beginning trampoline owners and as a reminder of safety measures for long-time pool owners. Here are a few of the many safety measures you should take:
  1. No one should jump alone. There should be someone supervising the jumping at all times.
  2. Don't allow somersaults.
  3. Remove jewelry and earrings or anything that could catch on the jump mat and cause injury
  4. Jump barefoot, in sock feet or wear trampoline footwear
  5. Jump one person at a time unless it is an adult with a young child and the child is jumping while the adult is providing stability. Two jumpers may use the trampoline if they are evenly matched in weight
There are many ways in which injuries are caused when jumping on a trampoline and many of them can be easily avoided. Those causes of injury include:
  1. Hitting another jumper (that's why it should really be only one person on the trampoline at a time)
  2. Doing stunts or back flips and getting injured
  3. Jumping or falling off the trampoline (No one should jump off the trampoline -- they should use the steps or ease themselves off the trampoline
  4. Getting injured on the springs (use spring covers)
  5. Keep the trampoline away from tree branches or structures where a jumper could hit his or her head
There should always be an adult in the area to supervise the jumpers. Trampolines, just like any other piece of equipment, are safe as long as you have rules in place for its use. If you’re thinking about getting an above ground or an inground trampoline this year, give us a call. Let’s talk about the best trampoline for you, your family and your budget.
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