Inground Trampolines


How To Get Healthy In 2020

With a new year fast approaching and with the delicious foods and treats available during the holidays many people take time to plan how to get healthy in 2020. It’s great to indulge. It’s even better to be healthy, happy and to live a long life full of great health, right?

The weather may play a role in your ability to use your inground or above ground trampoline to get fit and kick off 2020 right. If the weather cooperates and if you’re blessed with living in an area of the country that allows for outdoor activity year-round, here are some ways to get healthy in the new year.

How To Get Healthy In 2020

  1. Eat whole, minimally processed foods. Fruits and vegetables and lean proteins are a better bet than fast food and packaged meals. Fill your plate with fruits and veggies first then add some lean protein.
  2. Get up and get moving. Even if it’s cold and snowy where you live — put on some snowshoes or go cross country skiing. Add crampons to the bottom of your boots so you don’t slip on any ice and take a walk around the neighborhood.
  3. Walk indoors. Many schools and malls welcome walkers. Put on your sneakers, grab a friend or your iPod and listen to a podcast while you’re walking. If there is no where close to walk, use a treadmill or simply walk around your house. Do some jumping jacks. Just get moving.
  4. Limit soda and alcohol intake. These are empty calories that you just don’t need. Sure, a glass of wine or soda on occasion won’t harm, but go for water instead.
  5. Make a commitment to yourself and your family that 2020 will be the year you devote to good health.

Once the winter is over, clear off your trampoline — inground or above ground and start a rebounding exercise. Your health will thank you!

Give us a call and we can answer any other questions you have about a trampoline purchase — inground or above ground.

If you’re thinking about getting an above ground or an inground trampoline this year, give us a call. Let’s talk about the best trampoline for you, your family and your budget.

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