Healthy Happy Kids This Summer

Healthy Happy Kids This Summer

Summer is almost here. School is almost out. The cries of "I'm bored!"will soon begin! If you're like most parents you want healthy happy kids this summer and you want them to be out-of-doors and enjoying the fleeting months of sunshine, right?

One way to get the kids outside this summer, if you don't have a swimming pool, is to invest in an in-ground or an above ground trampoline. They are fun for the entire family and hint, hint... the kids will be getting in shape while they're having fun!

Healthy Happy Kids This Summer

If you have ever jumped aka rebounded on a trampoline you know how much fun it is. You also know that when you jump on a trampoline, it has "give" so you're not putting any stress or strain on your bones or joints. In addition to a trampoline being fun for the kids in the household, it is also a great way for you to get, or stay, in shape.

A trampoline is an ideal way for anyone, and everyone, to begin a workout routine without fear of injury. As with anything, though you may want to check with your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to jump on a trampoline.

When you jump on an in-ground or above ground trampoline you will be increasing the blood flow throughout your body and this not only brings oxygen to your cells, but it also stimulates your lymph nodes and helps remove toxins from your body.

Did you know... you don't need any particular skill when you jump on a trampoline? It's true! There is no prior training needed. You simply get on, jump and have fun. Jumping helps strengthen your core muscles because you need to tighten them to remain upright. Your leg muscles will benefit and if you struggle with mobility or stability issues, jumping on a trampoline may help prevent falls as you age.

When it comes to the health benefits of a trampoline "workout" here are a few more to consider:

  1. It helps you maintain balance -- stability is crucial as we age
  2. It helps with your overall physical fitness
  3. It is easy
  4. Jumping on a tramopline is a healthy way to increase your heart rate, improve your flexibility, work your muscles and improve reflexes
  5. You can jump for thirty minutes a day and improve your health and weight loss
  6. You will strengthen your ligaments, tendons and help reduce the risk of arthritis when you rebound
  7. Jumping will improve your posture, your lung capacity and your self confidence
Still not convinced? Ask your children and we will bet they give a resounding "yes!" to rebounding this summer. If you’ve been looking for a way to ease yourself back into good health and happiness, give us a call and let’s talk about the best trampoline for your family and your yard! If you’re thinking about getting an above ground or an inground trampoline this year, give us a call. Let’s talk about the best trampoline for you, your family and your budget.
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